Solidarity in 'Jangi': Concept, Similarities and Contrast with Recent Papal's Understandings

Author Details

Joseph Loic Mben, SJ

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Published: 10 August 2018 | Article Type :


Jangi is the Cameroonian version of ROSCA (Rotating Saving and Credits Associations) where the participants make a regular contribution to a fund, which is given in part or totality to each participant in rotation. One of the key principles of ROSCA lies in the pooling of material and/or financial resources for the benefit of one participant. ROSCA combines financial and affective dimension. The author of the present essay attempts to clarify the type of solidarity present in jangi and shows how it bears many similarities with Popes St John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis’s notions of solidarity. Solidarity is located within socio-political and economic spheres for the popes. What emerges is the fact that in so many ways, solidarity of jangi is similar to that of the popes, but in many instances it is limited for lack of transcendence and does not go beyond the circle of members. However, jangi also can contribute to a better understanding of papal solidarity.

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How to Cite


Joseph Loic Mben, SJ. (2018-08-10). "Solidarity in 'Jangi': Concept, Similarities and Contrast with Recent Papal's Understandings." *Volume 2*, 3, 6-16